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Introduction to Treating Trauma with Chinese Medicine
Saturday, April 13, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
Category: FSOMA CEU Event

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Treating TraumaEmotional trauma comprises an unavoidable part of the human experience. An unprocessed traumatic event can remain in the tissue memory, which affects the body's physiology and ultimately weaken the organ/channel systems. 
This course introduces ways to effectively diagnose and treat various types emotional trauma and PTSD. It discusses the trauma resulting from current political and social crises and how these distressing emotions upset the body’s physiology, organ functions and channel flow which can lead to a wide range of physical symptoms.

This engaging and informative class includes videos and before-and-after patient photos.

About the Teacher:  CT teaches several subjects on East Asian Medicine internationally and mentors students in his clinic and virtually. He wrote the textbooks, Treating Emotional Trauma with Chinese Medicine and Shamanism in Chinese Medicine. With over 20 years practicing Chinese medicine, he operates a busy general family practice in Oregon, USA. He is a graduate of the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco and has extensive post-graduate education with several leading teachers in the field. He is the Director of Development for the Lotus Institute.

CT studied in China three times (1999, 2001, and 2003) and integrates the specialties of facial diagnosis, channel palpation, five element diagnosis, and diagnosing and treating trauma, which he writes about and teaches at schools and conferences internationally. He has been a drummer for over 40 years and released several records with various bands. CT treats with and teaches shamanic drumming and teaches and practices qigong. To bring shamanic qigong and drum healing to the public, he recorded and produced a CD titled Resonating Vitality-Chinese Medicine Drum Treatments. To learn more visit redwoodspring.com.

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