This past weekend was my first live acupuncture seminar since COVID. I have been overwhelmed by the sheer energy generated by a group of colleagues (APs, students and teacher) gathering together to learn and study. I did not know how much I had missed this.
It was a privilege to study scalp acupuncture with the 3rd generation teacher of the Fang's Scalp Acupuncture lineage Huang Zhuying. Fang Yunpeng was the developer of acupuncture anesthesia and scalp acupuncture during a time when pain drug supplies were in short supply. He passed the system to his son Fang Benzheng who further refined and developed the system. The teacher of the class Huang Zhuying is the 3rd generation. I'll post the class picture later.
Dr Huang had a very clear and precise teaching style. Dr Shan Liang translated for her and offered a lot of entertainment. Alumni of East West College and other local APs know him very well for his generous teaching and lively personality.
We got to practice live!
Much of the system is a 'reflex system' with a map of the human body superimposed on the scalp. Another feature were the different 9 point Imaging techniques for treating different conditions. There were also definitive mapped points for balance, memory, eyes, hearing and so forth. First we learned the landmarks of the skull and distances between points. Then the mapping system and finally practiced the needling technique. It is a short needle inserted by hand (you can use guide tubes but by hand is considered less painful as you control the depth better) There is no long threading, the actual needling technique is relatively simple.
We are hoping to have Dr Huang back to Florida next year to offer her powerful techniques to more APs.