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Membership Committee
Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Category: FSOMA Meetings

To get involved contact us

Mission statement - The Membership Committee focuses on recruiting and retaining members, ensuring member programs are aligned with membership needs, communications  and general issues impacting the membership. The committee also reviews pending member applicants. 
1. To develop and maintain member benefits and services which increase the rate of membership.

  • FSOMA partners with AOM suppliers and services’ providers to create cost savings for our members on products and business solutions that members use every day.  These savings can add-up to hundreds of dollars every year, so the cost of membership is earned-back through savings and promotions. 

2. Establish & maintain student connections

  • FSOMA members belong to a community of practitioners who are passionate about lifelong learning and building a successful practice.  Remaining connected helps empower members by enabling them to maintain strong social and professional bonds with likeminded colleagues who enjoy the shared experiences that come with AOM training and practice.

3. Mentoring/Support for new and established members

  • FSOMA members benefit from the experience of their more experienced colleagues who are available to answer questions, offer advice, or just listen when a fellow practitioner needs support.  Building a successful practice requires hard work, strong intuition, and a little luck.  Whether you are just starting out or well established in your career, no one is immune from experiencing challenges and setbacks.  This is why remaining connected to a community of practitioners is so important, because together we are stronger, and no one should struggle to succeed alone.

4. Business Help Desk 

  • The Business Help Desk is resource where members can send in issues with insurance billing or asking questions about practice management and get personal help. 

5.  Recruits or Identifies new volunteers for the FSOMA and helps them find assignments they will  enjoy.
6.     Call graced/lapse members